“Individually we are one drop; but together we are an ocean.”
— Ryunosuke Satoro
Terra Firma Rainwater Collective was envisioned by Mark Weinhold on a trip to Congo-Brazzaville in 2018,. Experiencing first-hand the destructive natural forces in these central African cities, Mark saw an opportunity to empower locals to reverse these trends. Seeking pragmatic yet holistic, long-term community solutions to these challenges, a team was formed to envision ways to support these communities by developing cost-effective tools that locals can utilize to improve living conditions. Terra Firma was birthed out of the desire to offer real help to communities in need.
We know sustainable change happens locally. Our relationships with local NGO’s allow us to engage the talents and motivation of community members who are affected by these issues. We work closely with the existing leaders and programs on the ground in Brazzaville and Kinshasa. The nimbleness and flexibility of our non-profit allows small-scale and local interventions that are often missed at the typical scale of governmental diplomatic programs. Our ability to bring financial and technical resources to bear in affected communities fills a necessary role at an essential scale to enable community-led change.
Partners in Change
An organization is only as exceptional as its people. Meet our passionate and talented group, driven by our commitment to sustainability and improving the lives of others.
Desire Bisimwa - Board of Directors, CEEDD, Kinshasa, DRC

Erica Borum - Terra Firma Board Member

Catherine Chabernaud - Atelier Kolinga Architects, Congo-Brazzaville

Rosette Louemba, Communications Director, CEEDD Kinshasa, DRC

Eric Lutete Landu - Board Chairman, CEEDD, Kinshasa, DRC

Affermi Kufinu - Executive Board Coordinator, CEEDD, Kinshasa, DRC

Lise-Olga Makonga -Project Coordinator, Eco Ecole, & CEEDD Kinshasa, DRC

Issac Moussa - Technical Program Manager, USFS International Programs, Congo-Brazzaville

Jethro Munvudi - Project Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Eco-Ecole, Kinshasa, DRC

Fabrice Nikuna - Board of Directors, CEEDD, Kinshasa, DRC

Richard Paton - Central Africa and Middle East Regional Coordinator, USFS International Programs, Washington, DC

Roger Poirier - Terra Firma Board Member, Colorado, USA

Mary Rogan - Terra Firma Board Member, Oregon, USA

Mark Weinhold - Terra Firma Founder and Board Member, Colorado, USA

Exauce Yoka - Program Assistant, USFS International Programs, Congo-Brazzaville